[Back to Fitt 52]
Fitt 53
4378 Huand sô huan sô that geuuirðid, | that uualdand Krist,
4379 mâri mannes sunu | mid theru maht godes,
4380 kumit mid thiu craftu | kuningo rîkeost
4381 sittean an is selb=es maht | endi samod mid imu
4382 alle thea engilos, | the thar uppa sind
4383 hêlaga an himile, | than sculun tharod heliðo barn,
4384 elitheoda kuman | alla tesamne
4385 libbeandero liudio, | sô huat sô io an thesumu liohte uuarð
4386 firiho afôdid. | Thar he themu folke scal,
4387 allumu mankunnie | mâri drohtin
4388 adêlien aftar iro dâdiun. | Than skêðid he thea farduanan man,
4389 thea faruuarhton uueros | an thea uuinistron hand:
4390 sô duot he ôk thea sâligon | an thea suîðeron half;
4391 grôtid he than thea gôdun | endi im tegegnes sprikid:
4392 `kumad gi,' quiðid he, `thea thar gikorene sindun, | endi antfâhad thit craftiga rîki,
4393 that gôde, that thar gigereuuid stendid, | that thar uuarð gumono barnun
4394 giuuarht fan thesaro uueroldes endie: | iu hab=ad geuuîhid selb=o
4395 fader allaro firiho barno: | gi môtun thesaro frumono neotan,
4396 geuualdon theses uuîdon rîkeas, | huand gi oft mînan uuilleon frumidun,
4397 fulgengun mi gerno | endi uuârun mi iuuuaro geb=o mildie,
4398 than ik bithuungan uuas | thurstu endi hungru,
4399 frostu bifangan | eftho an feteron lag,
4400 biklemmid an karkare: | oft uurðun mi kumana tharod
4401 helpa fan iuuun handun: | gi uuârun mi an iuuuomu hugi mildie,
4402 uuîsodun mîn uuerðlico.' | Than sprikid imu eft that uuerod angegin:
4403 `frô mîn the gôdo,' queðat sie, | `huan uuâri thu bifangan sô,
4404 bethuungan an sulicun tharab=un, | sô thu fora thesaru thiod telis,
4405 mahtig mênis? | Huan gisah thi man ênig
4406 bethuungen an sulicun tharab=un? | Huat, thu hab=es allaro thiodo giuuald
4407 iac sô samo thero mêðmo, | thero the io manno barn
4408 geuunnun an thesaro uueroldi.' | Than sprikid im eft uualdand god:
4409 `sô huat sô gi dâdun,' quiðit he, | `an iuuues drohtines namon,
4410 gôdes fargâb=un | an godes êra
4411 them mannun, the hêr minniston sindun, | thero nu undar thesaru menegi standad
4412 endi thurh odmôdi | arme uuârun
4413 uueros, huand sie mînan uuilleon fremidun | -- sô huat sô gi im iuuuaro uuelono fargâb=un,
4414 gidâdun thurh diuriða, | that antfeng iuuua drohtin selb=o,
4415 thiu helpe quam te heb=encuninge. | Bethiu uuili iu the hêlago drohtin
4416 lônon iuuuan gilôb=on: | gib=id iu lîf êuuig.'
4417 Uuendid ina than uualdand | an thea uuinistron hand,
4418 drohtin te them farduanun mannun, | sagad im that sie sculin thea dâd antgelden,
4419 thea man iro mêngiuuerk: | `nu gi fan mi sculun,' quiðit he.
4420 `faran sô forflôcane | an that fiur êuuig,
4421 that thar gigareuuid uuarð | godes andsacun,
4422 fîundo folke | be firinuuerkun,
4423 huand gi mi ni hulpun, | than mi hunger endi thurst
4424 uuêgde te uundrun | eftha ik geuuâdies lôs
4425 geng iâmermôd, | uuas mi grôtun tharf,
4426 than ni habde ik thar ênige helpe, | than ik geheftid uuas,
4427 an liðokospun bilokan, | eftha mi legar bifeng,
4428 suâra suhti: | than ni uueldun gi mîn siokes thar
4429 uuîson mid uuihti: | ni uuas iu uuerð eouuiht,
4430 that gi mîn gehugdin. | Bethiu gi an hellie sculun
4431 tholon an thiustre.' | Than sprikid imu eft thiu thiod angegin:
4432 `uuola uualdand god,' queðad sie, | `huî uuilt thu sô uuið thit uuerod sprekan,
4433 mahlien uuið these menegi? | Huan uuas thi io manno tharf,
4434 gumono gôdes? | Huat, sie it al be thînun geb=un êgun,
4435 uuelon an thesaro uueroldi,. | Than sprikid eft uualdand god:
4436 `than gi thea armostun,' quiðid he, | `eldibarno,
4437 manno thea minniston | an iuuuomu môdseb=on
4438 heliðos farhugdun, | lêtun sea iu an iuuuomu hugi lêðe,
4439 bedêldun sie iuuuaro diurða, | than dâdun gi iuuuana drohtin sô sama,
4440 giuuernidun imu iuuuaro uuelono: | bethiu ni uuili iu uualdand god,
4441 antfâhen fader iuuua, | ac gi an that fiur sculun,
4442 an thene diopun dôd=, | diub=lun thionon,
4443 uurêðun uuiðersakun, | huand gi sô uuarhtun biforan.'
4444 Than aftar them uuordun | skêðit that uuerod an tuê,
4445 thea gôdun endi thea ub=ilon: | farad thea fargriponon man
4446 an thea hêtan hel | hriuuigmôde,
4447 thea faruuarhton uueros, | uuîti antfâhat,
4448 ub=il endilôs. | Lêdid up thanen
4449 hêr heb=encuning | thea hluttaron theoda
4450 an that langsame lioht: | thar is lîf êuuig,
4451 gigareuuid godes rîki | gôdaro thiado.'
[Fitt 54]
[Fitt index]