Frequency of stimuli components within English monomorphemic monosyllabic words.
For the various parts of the stimuli, we tabulate their frequency
as reported elsewhere. Frequencies are
reported either by word types or by word tokens. The latter weights
each string frequency by the frequency of the word in which it is
found. The frequencies are taken from the Brown corpus (Francis &
Kucera). Words not found in that corpus are assigned the frequency
There are five different criteria for counting frequencies,
labelled A-E:
- A Count phones as they appear anywhere in the word. For pairs,
this may even result in counting pairs that occur in the wrong order.
Thus for /syg/, the frequency for /yg/ will include words that have
/gy/ in them, for example, grip.
- B Count phones that occur in the appropriate part of the syllable.
For /syg/, count /s/ occurring anywhere in the onset, /g/ anywhere in
the coda, even if they appear in clusters.
- C Count consonants that occur only in the appropriate part of the
syllable, adjacent to the vowel.
- D Count consonants that occur only in the appropriate part of the
syllable, at the beginning or end of a word.
- E Count consonants that only occur in the appropriate part of the
syllable, but not in clusters.
- Logarithmic counts (these reports take the natural log of the frequencies.)
- Raw count.
Webster: Brett Kessler

Last change 2004-08-27.